This is a space I have created to give you a personal in to ME. This is you dating me - with healthy boundaries, of course. Learn a bit a more about who I am, what I do, why I do it, and how I think before taking the plunge to work with me in whatever capacity you choose.

Or, if you just like Faith based relationship and business podcasts/blogs, that's cool too.

For each blog there is a corresponding podcast that goes along with it, so if you would rather listen than read, I GOT YOU! I can’t promise that these will come out every week. So in the meantime, be sure to follow me on Instagram for content and motivation.

In That order
faith, family, business Taliah Ayers faith, family, business Taliah Ayers

In That order

I wanted to have my first post be about the balancing act of faith, family, and business. This is a good overview and a good starting point of you guys getting to know who I am and what I’m about. And honestly, if you want to work with me, if you want to work for me, if you are interested in doing anything like what I'm doing (or if you just want to be nosey, that's fine, too). If you just like reading faith based business blogs then I'm all for it. Also, if you are not a faith based person, I do not want this to scare you away. A lot of what I believe in and talk about, yes it comes from scripture. It comes from God, but it's also very much rooted in science. I did get my degree from the University of Georgia and I do believe in research, so I just want to throw that out there.

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